Baby Lou successfully tested by ASDA

Baby Lou, one of Solana’s most recent potato varieties has been tested successfully by IPL. IPL are responsible for trialling, sourcing and procurement internationally for Asda, the United Kingdom’s second largest supermarket chain. Baby Lou performed both very well in the growing and storage trials and with the various taste panellists. They all found it very tasty. It will be put on the Asda recommended list subject to it being able to pack through the factory without any major issues.
Baby Lou aptly named so as to target the baby potato and salad market produces high numbers of tubers per root, is even in size and is extremely tasty at all times of the potato season. Solana Seeds UK will benefit from the continued support of its sister companies in developing this variety and hopefully many others in the British Isles with major new clients.
For more information on Baby Lou see the variety description.