Baby Lou wins potato test in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Baby Lou was voted Potato of the Year at this year's "Tüffeltest" (potato test) – a competition in order to find the tastiest little (baby) potato in the Lewitz region in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany).
With her good taste, Baby Lou was able to convince about 530 of the 1,800 judges.
The “Tüffeltest” took place for the seventh time as a part of the "Lewitzer Tüffelwochen" - a series of events around the potato in October 2019.
The tasting of the potatoes was organized by the association Lewitz e.V. in cooperation with four restaurants: These served the potatoes - cooked but unsalted - as an amuse gueule and let the guests rate the taste afterwards.